Harrison Sterling Hughes Full Narrative

Harrison Hughes was a second-generation WSC student who majored in Mechanical Engineering. He joined the U.S. Army Air Corps in 1940, fought during the Japanese invasion of the Philippines, and became a prisoner of war in 1942. He was killed by friendly

Harrison Hughes (born March 9, 1914 in Benton County, Washington) was a student of the Depression, studying part-time and joining the Army National Guard while enrolled at WSC from 1934-40.  He joined the Army Air Corps in 1940 and became a fighter pilot.  Stationed in the Philippines, he took a leading role in trying to maintain his unit’s few remaining aircraft during the Japanese assault, until becoming a prisoner of war in April 1942.  He survived more than two years of inhumane conditions in a POW camp before, ironically, being killed in October 1944 when an American submarine torpedoed the transport ship on which the Japanese were sending 1800 POWs to Japan as forced labor.

Location Description: 

200 miles off Luzon, Philippines